The Water Market in Orillia
On March 20 at 1:37 PM
When it comes to contaminants bottled water may seem like a better option than tap water, but bottled water is not always contaminant-free.

Often, bottled water is tap water that has gone through minimal or no processing.

Installing a reverse osmosis system is the best option for clean drinking water.

For a reverse osmosis system contact The Water Market.

The Water Market in Orillia
On March 15 at 1:35 PM
Lead in water supplies continues to be an issue.

If you think you might be affected, consider a Kinetico reverse osmosis system for your home. Whole house water filters are the best defense against lead exposure.

Get the lead out with a little help from The Water Market, we install Kinetico reverse osmosis systems in Orillia and the surrounding area.

The Water Market in Orillia
On March 10 at 1:34 PM
Refill your water bottles in Orillia at The Water Market, refills are available at a great price and you can rest assured in knowing your water is as clean and filtered as it can be!

The Water Market in Orillia
On March 04 at 1:30 PM
Water softeners use ion exchange to remove the hardness from your water. The hard water enters the softener where resin removes the hardness ions before sending soft water throughout your home.

Water softeners are not only great for showering and cleaning purposes but laundry as well.

For a water softener in Orillia contact The Water Market today!

The Water Market in Orillia
On February 28 at 7:42 AM
The Water Market was reviewed by M. Dongelmans from Orillia

Jeff and his team have been supporting me for over ten years now. He delivers salt for my system regularly and just installed a new drinking... Read More

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