The Water Market in Orillia
On April 16 at 10:15 AM
Water is critical to our health. Part of maintaining your health is being clean and washing your hands but this is only effective if the water we are using is pure.

To find out the quality of your water contact the Water Market, we do water quality tests in Orillia and the surrounding area!

The Water Market in Orillia
On April 13 at 10:15 AM
Having access to clean, high-quality water for drinking, washing hands, bathing and cleaning is crucial for your health and well-being, especially now.

Please contact The Water Market your local Orillia Kinetico dealer for information about how Kinetico products can enhance the quality of your home water.

The Water Market in Orillia
On April 08 at 2:00 PM
Did you know that humans ingest about 2000 plastic particles each week? One of the major causes is microplastic.

Understand what microplastics are and learn how you can reduce them in your home's water with the help of the Water Market.

Schedule your water test in Orillia today.

The Water Market in Orillia
On March 26 at 6:37 PM
Did you know that approximately 35-40% of the municipally-treated water is now disinfected using chloramine, a percentage which has nearly doubled in the last decade!

Do you know what chloramine is and if it's in your water? If you want to know more about chloramine contact us at The Water Market!

The Water Market in Orillia
On March 25 at 1:38 PM
The Sterilight S5Q-PA provides point-of-entry disinfection. This modular system, incorporating our new Silver™ controller, is ideal for whole home treatment of a small home or cottage. Placed prior to the water heater, all the water in the home, including the hot water will receive constant and consistent disinfected water!

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