Put nearly 90 years of experience on your side and choose some of the finest aggregate supply materials available. Homeowners, business owners and contractors across the region count on Wes Finch & Sons Excavating Ltd. for a complete selection of aggregate materials, including sand and gravel supply in the Muskoka region. Our aggregates are ideal for residential and commercial use, the perfect finishing touch to any construction or landscaping project you're planning. From landscaping to environmental remediation, our aggregates stand the test of time. Speak to our team to learn more about how the right aggregate choice at your home or business can increase your curb appeal, help your garden thrive and even boost your property value.
Are you looking for a reliable and professional team to install your septic system? Well look no further than Wes Finch & Sons Excavating Ltd. Contact us today to talk about having your septic system dug in Muskoka!
If you are planning on building a cottage soon, give Wes Finch & Sons a call! We have the machinery and the know-how to help you plant your roots in the amazing Muskoka backdrop! www.wesfinchexcavating.com
At Wes Finch & Sons Excavating Ltd. we can take care of all of your excavation needs in Muskoka and the surrounding area! Trenching, digging, dredging, site development, and more are just a phone call away if you choose Wes Finch & Sons!
Septic systems in Muskoka have evolved from hand-dug trenches in the 50's and 60's to large machine installations. To stay ahead of building code and product changes, Wes Finch & Sons Excavating and many of our local building departments are members of the Ontario Onsite Wastewater Association! www.wesfinchexcavating.com