Turf King Muskoka in Gravenhurst
On January 27 at 7:16 AM
Turf King Lawn Experts Offer an Annual Premium Lawn Care Program. Annual program with Spring, Summer and Fall fertilizing and Spring and Fall Weed Management. This program also includes Summer Chinch Bug Management. With this program, we will give you a free Summer weed check and spray as required. Turf King uses “Organic" based products! Learn more about Turf King's Annual Premium Lawn Care Program by contact us! www.TurfKingMuskoka.com

Turf King Muskoka in Gravenhurst
On January 16 at 12:00 PM
Turf King Lawn Experts Offers an Annual Budget Lawn Care Program which involves 5 visits:
1 - Spring Fertilizing
2 - Summer Fertilizing
3 - Fall Fertilizing
4- Fall Weed Management
5 - Spring Weed Management
Fertilizers are applied 3 times a year to give you a thick, healthy lawn and weed treatments are applied a minimum of 2 times a year - safe, fast-working treatment kills a wide variety of broadleaf weeds!

Book your Budget Lawn Care Program by contacting Turf King! www.TurfKingMuskoka.com

Turf King Muskoka in Gravenhurst
On December 16 at 12:00 PM
Turf King has three lawn care programs to fit all of our customer's unique needs! We have Budget, Premium and Premium TLC lawn care programs that are meant to help our clients in the ways that they need! Contact us today to learn more!


Turf King Muskoka in Gravenhurst
On November 27 at 8:17 PM
Turf King Law Tip: We know the weather has been pretty erratic lately but that just means more time to take care of your lawn before the snow sticks! Consider doing one final yard clean up before the next snowfall to remove any leaves you may have missed before. www.TurfKingMuskoka.com

Turf King Muskoka in Gravenhurst
On October 23 at 12:00 PM
Quick tip from the Turf King:

If you don't rake the leaves from your lawn it will be smothered in a thick layer of un-shredded leaves. The leaves will become matted down and in the spring will keep new grass blades from emerging! Rake your leaves this season to ensure a greener lawn in the spring!


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