TK Pest Control - Muskoka in Gravenhurst
On September 25 at 5:58 PM
Why am I seeing more mosquitoes? Since they are cold-blooded, they do hibernate or die off in the winter, meaning in fall months mosquitoes are getting ready for winter. The brisk temperatures of fall also mean mosquitoes are more active during the day, instead of in the evening. If you have a mosquito problem in Muskoka or Orillia contact TK Pest Control to take care of your problem!

TK Pest Control - Muskoka in Gravenhurst
On September 18 at 5:58 PM
One of the first signs of a bed bug problem is right on your bed. After bed bugs feed on humans, they'll leave behind blood stains resembling small rust spots. These will usually be found near the corners and edges of the bed. If you see these signs don't delay call TK Pest Control right away! We will take care of your bed bug problem in Muskoka and Orillia!

TK Pest Control - Muskoka in Gravenhurst
On September 08 at 8:57 AM
Are you seeing an unusual amount of spiders in your home? If you are seeing them chances are the problem is larger than you think. Spiders can quickly take over your home, contact TK Pest Control for spider removal in Muskoka and Orillia now!

TK Pest Control - Muskoka in Gravenhurst
On August 28 at 10:58 AM
Flea bites on humans can cause a rash and are usually located on the lower legs and feet. The bites are characterized by red spots surrounded by red halos. Additional symptoms of a flea bite can include, hives and swelling around the bite! If fleas are biting you chances are your flea problem is worse than you thought, contact TK Pest Control to take care of your flea problem in Muskoka, Orillia, and the surrounding area!

TK Pest Control - Muskoka in Gravenhurst
On August 18 at 12:00 PM
Your home may become infested with fleas if your pet brings these parasites into your house. Fleas are small and can easily hide in upholstery, so you may not be aware of their presence until a large infestation has occurred. At the first sign of fleas in your home, you should call the professionals at TK Pest Control!

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