TK Pest Control - Muskoka in Gravenhurst
On April 12 at 12:12 PM
With warm weather comes an uptick in activity for several species of fly. Single flies are often simple house flies, while groups gathered on windows are more likely to be cluster flies. It's almost impossible to completely prevent flies from appearing in your home, but you can fight back by calling TK Pest Control!

We will solve your house fly or cluster fly problem in Muskoka and the surrounding area!

TK Pest Control - Muskoka in Gravenhurst
On March 31 at 10:54 AM
Pavement ants are normally found outside in the soil but can enter your home to find food. Their colonies are large and will not decrease until you get the problem treated. As temperatures rise keep your eye out for ant invaders, if you notice ant lines in your home contact TK Pest Control to take care of your ant problem in Muskoka or Orillia!

TK Pest Control - Muskoka in Gravenhurst
On March 14 at 12:00 PM
If you see just one or two mice that have come in to your home in search of food or shelter, there is a good possibility that there is more! The problem should be addressed right away to stop the mouse population in your home from growing! If you have a mice problem in Orillia, Muskoka, or the surrounding area contact TK Pest Control right away.

TK Pest Control - Muskoka in Gravenhurst
On February 24 at 10:51 AM
Keep your bread where it belongs with the help of TK Pest Control! Mice can put a significant dent in your cupboards costing you money and leaving you with damages and droppings. For mice removal in Muskoka and Orillia contact TK Pest Control!

TK Pest Control - Muskoka in Gravenhurst
On February 13 at 12:00 PM
One of the first signs of a bed bug problem is right on your bed. After bed bugs feed on humans, they'll leave behind blood stains resembling small rust spots. These will usually be found near the corners and edges of the bed. If you see these signs don't delay call TK Pest Control right away! We will take care of your bed bug problem in Muskoka and Orillia!

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