The Water Market in Orillia
On March 03 at 12:00 PM
Water softeners use ion exchange to remove the hardness from your water. The hard water enters the softener where resin removes the hardness ions before sending soft water throughout your home.

Water softeners are not only great for showering and cleaning purposes but laundry as well.

For a water softener in Orillia contact The Water Market today!

The Water Market in Orillia
On February 26 at 2:20 PM
Household appliances are expensive and costly to replace. If your home has hard water, the water-using appliances are at risk of degrading from mineral buildup caused by poor water quality.

For a Kinetico soft water system in Orillia or the surrounding area contact The Water Market.

The Water Market in Orillia
On February 25 at 5:56 PM
Did you know that you lose 2-3 liters of water daily? If you don't hydrate and replace what's lost your body will pull from your skin, nails and hair causing problems for those bodily systems! Drink plenty of water to look your best!

The Water Market in Orillia
On February 17 at 4:17 PM
Two forms of iron are commonly found in ground water; dissolved and precipitated. Dissolved iron is colourless and odourless and can be measured by simple chemical analysis. It is commonly called clear water iron. Precipitated iron is readily apparent as it is yellow in colour. It is actually rust. It is commonly called red water iron. The Water Market's water softener / treatment systems are equipped to treat your water so you can drink clean and it taste fresh!

The Water Market in Orillia
On February 14 at 2:15 PM
Is everyday a bad hair day? You might need soft water in your life! Water softeners remove minerals from your water that cause dried out and damaged hair. To talk about getting a water softener in Orillia contact The Water Market!

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