About Us
How can we help? Hiring a Virtual Assistant can benefit you:
- By saving you money... you only pay for the time or services you need.
- By saving you time so that you can concentrate on expanding your business or client base.
- By saving you space... we use our space, not yours.
- By offering you staffing flexibility... we're here only when you need us.
Virtual Assistants are skilled professionals who are trained to meet your needs. To find out more, visit:
- The Canadian Virtual Assistant Network
- Virtual Assistant Training Program
- International Association of Administrative Professionals, Toronto Chapter

What can we do for you? Here are a few examples of the services provided by a Virtual Assistant at The Virtual Alternative:
- Administrative Assistance: word processing, transcription, invoicing
- Minute taking
- Proofreading and editing manuscripts
- Email, phone call, and voice mail monitoring
- Calendar management
- Virtual Office Management
- Meeting preparation
- Customer liaison
- Project management
- Internet research
- Mail merges, bulk mailing and blast emails
- Database, mailing list management