About Us

The Gamble Farm is a family run farm located in Port Sydney.Four years ago we started out with a small backyard flock of 5 hens. As our love of farming grew so did our flock. We now have a large flock of free-range heritage breed laying hens and have
bolstered the flock with duck and quail. Small-scale farming allows us to focus on the health and well-being of our animals and maintain high-quality products.
As well as our poultry, we produce organic vegetables in our market garden. With intensive planting and the use of permaculture methods, we aim to produce a highly nutritious and quality organic crop. On the Gamble Farm we practice certain permaculture methods, some of which are:
- The use of composted manure from our animals to feed the soil
- Our birds aid in pest control during the growing season
- The use of beneficial habitats for birds, bats, bees and other insects that benefit our crops, livestock and the surroundingenvironment.
- All leftover produce and waste from the gardens help feed our livestock.
Fresh & Seasonal
Our farm store carries a variety of the freshest local food and produce. We offer farm fresh eggs and organic veggies as well as carrying a variety of other local offerings. From honey to strawberries, you will be sure to find the freshest in-season products our wonderful region has to offer.