Port Sydney / Utterson Chamber of Commerce in Port Sydney
On June 26 at 10:46 AM
Come join us for Canada Day! Hosted by Port Sydney Parks & Recreation.
1 July (rain or shine)
11am - 2pm
Port S ydney Beach

Port Sydney / Utterson Chamber of Commerce in Port Sydney
On May 30 at 9:21 AM
Yard sale signs for registration sales available for pick up this morning at the office 9-12pm 15-South Mary Lake rd.at the Dean's Home Hardware plaza and if you still want on the map register this morning by noon

Port Sydney / Utterson Chamber of Commerce in Port Sydney
On May 24 at 9:39 PM
Last week to register for the Port Sydney Community Wide Yard Sale. Come meet Mark Beadle our president staffing the office registration Saturday May 25th 9-12:30.
Do you live to far out of town to host, we have 4 spaces available at our trunk sale space at the Community Hall, for more information call our office or email your request at info@portsydneycoc.com.
No time to drop in to the office ok just go to our website and register online at https://portsydneycoc.com/CommunityYardSale

Port Sydney / Utterson Chamber of Commerce in Port Sydney
On May 21 at 3:08 PM
Registration for the community wide yard sale, at the office tonight at 15 South Mary Lake Rd. at the Dean's Home Hardware Plaza, 5-7pm. See you there!

Port Sydney / Utterson Chamber of Commerce in Port Sydney
On May 01 at 12:04 AM
Just what you've been waiting for, Port Sydney Community Wide Yard Sale!
Saturday June 1st, 2024. (Rain or Shine)
Vender Registration Dates attached on flyer
Cost $25.00
Registration form is attached, print and bring in the information for your registration. Please make sure the address is the location of your sale.

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