Muskoka Information Radio-Ciig 98.3 FM in North Gower
On August 27 at 6:43 PM
Tune into Muskoka Information Radio 98.3 FM for The Farmer’s Alamanc, a daily feature with a historical note as well as a household tip, weather notes and gardening advice. Tune in today!

Muskoka Information Radio-Ciig 98.3 FM in North Gower
On August 24 at 8:00 AM
Tune into Muskoka Information Radio 98.3 FM for The Farmer’s Alamanc, a daily feature with a historical note as well as a household tip, weather notes and gardening advice. Tune in today!

Muskoka Information Radio-Ciig 98.3 FM in North Gower
On August 15 at 11:00 AM
Technology changes so quickly! Tune into Tech Talk with Marc Saltzman to get all the latest information about today’s consumer technology, gadgets and devices. Heard twice per hour on Muskoka Information Radio 98.3 FM. Tune in today!

Muskoka Information Radio-Ciig 98.3 FM in North Gower
On August 13 at 1:50 PM
At Muskoka Information Radio we have all the news and information you need. Tune into The Parent Report from Joanne Wilson. A daily feature heard once per hour about advice on raising your children. Tune in today to Muskoka Information Radio 98.3 FM.

Muskoka Information Radio-Ciig 98.3 FM in North Gower
On August 03 at 3:19 PM
Happy Civic Holiday weekend from everyone here at Muskoka Information Radio 98.3 FM. Tune into 98.3 FM while traveling through Muskoka this weekend! #LongWeekend #Summer #CivicHoliday #CivicHoliday2018 #ShopLocal #Muskoka #Radio

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