About Us
The Muskoka Family Network is for families and friends touched by a disability to come together. It is all about connecting with other families. As a Family Network we can encourage family to family learning, enhance community relationships, deepen our own relationships, build leadership capacity, create a mentorship between families, create a hub where all communication flows, share resources, create lasting connections with other families as our children age and create new relationships as we help each other.
Muskoka Family Network Vision & Mission!
Vision: Visioning a world of inclusion for all!
To educate, connect and empower families and individuals with exceptionalities by providing the tools, support and information required to foster relationships and make informed decisions regarding their daily life, education and future.
What Can the Muskoka Family Network Provide?
Encourage Family To Family Learning
Enhance Community Relationships
Deepen our own relationships
Build Leadership Capacity
Create support and understanding between families
Create a hub where all communication flows
Create lasting connections with other families as our children age
Share Resources
Create new relationships as we connect with other families
Shared Beliefs:
Family Networks and family directed groups are dedicated to fostering the strengths, dreams, competencies and enthusiasm of their member families to create inclusive, caring lives for all their members.
Informed, involved and confident families are the most effective agents for social change.
Parents and people with disabilities are an essential source of expertise with respect to their son or daughter, to each other, and to the community as a whole.
Individuals with disabilities are part of the community and as part of the community have valuable gifts and contributions to make.
Individuals with disabilities must be included and must lead in all decisions that affect any part of their lives
All children, regardless of disability, should grow up with families and have enduring lifelong relationships.
Muskoka Family Network
Carla O’Neill
Leave Message:
705-789-4543 x 268