About Us

Morgan Davis, printer is a multi faceted printer with over sixty-five years experience in letterpress printing and off set lithography.
Morgan Davis, printer manufactures Muskoka Note Cards, Note Pads and Matchbook Pads for a number of dealers and are currently looking for new dealers in Muskoka and surrounding area. We find tourists and visitors are looking for an inexpensive souvenir or gift of Muskoka, these cards are a fit. Call today 705-762-1232 for a meeting to see the samples and an explanation of the programme..
Morgan Davis, printer is know for quality Muskoka styled Wedding Stationery. Having produced wedding invitations for brides from Turkey, Afghanistan and across Canada who were getting married in Muskoka and wanted the best wedding stationery available. Currently we are producing a new Wedding Stationery book with Muskoka designs that feature deep impression printing. This is the new concept that many brides are seeking.
Morgan Davis, printer prints Muskoka Restaurant place mats which for over ten years have become an excellent source for advertising your business. Place mat advertising is inexpensive and an effective way to promote your business. A new issue of place mat comes out every four months.
The plans are in the works to open a Working Printing Museum on Highway 118 West Port Carling. Scheduled opening is for September 1st, 2018. The over twenty-five hundred square foot museum building will have working printing presses and a gift shop selling numerous articles that have been produced on the antique printing presses. Watch for it!!