Huntsville Highlands Pet Resort in Huntsville
On March 11 at 5:53 PM
In the past week we have had Boomer and Nana and Hudson (below). No wonder one of the clients thought we had bears. Tonight is Hockey night in Canada with Boomer and special guests Max and Ruby. Photos tomorrow.

Huntsville Highlands Pet Resort in Huntsville
On March 09 at 8:50 AM
Gearing up for Spring Breaks. An new accommodation coming available later this week. Will post pictures when paint is dry and furniture is in but if you still need someone to care for your pets while you are away give us a call at 705 789 4242 and look us up on facebook to check out more photos of our facility.

Huntsville Highlands Pet Resort in Huntsville
On March 06 at 11:02 AM
A poster from our upcoming Black and White movie "Street Cat & Bob" not at all based on a Best Selling book or successful Movie.

Huntsville Highlands Pet Resort in Huntsville
On March 04 at 8:03 AM
Huntsville Highlands Pet Resort added 3 Photos
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Huntsville Highlands Pet Resort in Huntsville
On March 04 at 7:59 AM
Fozzie and Tsehun came in for a spring tuneup yesterday. Tsehun is older and required some extra care but having Fozzie in the groom room really had a calming affect.

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