The Corner Cabinet in Bracebridge
On September 13 at 12:15 PM
Looking for a Baby gift ?
These Bunny Loveys have been meticulously handcrafted by Lori Harrington. High quality materials and workmanship make them a perfect choice ! So soft and snuggly !
705 - 656 - 2810
Open 7 days a week

The Corner Cabinet in Bracebridge
On September 07 at 11:44 AM
Just what you need on a cool September day !
Brand new flavour from Beverage Bombs - Pumpkin Spice in both Coffee and Tea ! Just add boiling water.

Don't like Pumpkin ?? No problem - Lots of other flavours too !
705 - 645 - 2810
Open 7 days a week

The Corner Cabinet in Bracebridge
On August 04 at 3:15 PM
Seems like the weekend favorite go to items are these Muskoka Map frig magnets.
Handmade in Ontario !
705 - 705 - 2810
Open Holiday Monday

The Corner Cabinet in Bracebridge
On August 03 at 11:15 AM
These adorable houses from Creations d'Octobre make a wonderful addition to your decor. Handcrafted in Quebec. Amazing detail !
705 - 645 - 2810
Open 7 days a week

The Corner Cabinet in Bracebridge
On July 10 at 10:33 AM
Mozzygone is back in stock !
Made from essential oils, this all natural Bug Repellent really works.
AND .... if you've already been bitten, don't worry, it's also an effective after-bite.
Don't let the mosquitoes ruin these beautiful summer evenings !
705 - 645 - 2810
Open 7 days a week

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